Art in space
Power for Space
As the name suggests, this is a project that goes beyond the gallery itself.
“Space” can be seen as an unappreciated work of art, like a canvas without which nothing would exist. Seeing art in the context of space in its diversity brings the potential to expand the experience by a whole new dimension. So why reduce it to one building? One of the activities of the EPO1 gallery is the installation of sculptures in public space where they can be encountered
by both casual passers-by and art lovers who are purposefully seeking to experience them.

Michal Gabriel
The steel lion is almost two metres tall, two and a half metres long and weighs over one and a half tonnes. It exists in two versions – one is privately owned, the other differing only in the engraved number 2 on the leg of the lion, is exhibited on Slovanské náměstí Square in Trutnov, in front of the town gallery. The people of Trutnov can therefore admire one of the most popular sculptures of modern history and observe its breathtaking transformation over the course of the four seasons.

Michal Gabriel
The steel statue of the horseman was unveiled to the public in August 2020 during the Art Kus festival at the Bojiště in Trutnov. This work by the sculptor Michal Gabriel had already been previously created in smaller bronze versions , but only the KASPER KOVO company was able to fulfil the sculptor’s desire to see the horseman in a much larger scale. The statue, composed of centimetre-long stainless steel plates, is 3 m high and weighs over 2.5 tonnes.

Michal Gabriel
The stainless steel sculpture of a horse was created at the turn of winter and spring 2019 for display in the public space of Karlovy Vary. The size of the steel plates creates an optical structure that emphasizes the beauty of the material and the play of light. The statue is made of more than a thousand individual segments, is 2.7 m high and weighs almost three tonnes.

Michal Gabriel
Seven metres long and weighing six tonnes, the work was made in KASPER KOVO according to Michal Gabriel’s design and it consists of 2,200 one-centimetre long stainless steel plates. Winner of the main prize at the NordArt sculpture symposium in Germany. The sculpture is currently located directly in front of the EPO1 gallery.

Asteroid 1
Michal Gabriel
The stainless steel statue designed by Michal Gabriel was completed in 2020, weighs 6 tonnes and measures 300 cm.

Dagmar Šubrtová
The Axis Mundi installation represents a materialised reflection on the interconnectedness of energy sources across time and space. A set of crystals made from recycled raw materials suggests a constellation of primordial structures contained in the minerals at the core of human civilization’s ascent. As part of the Sculptures in the Streets project, Axis Mundi is currently located on the Václav Havel embankment in Trutnov.

Michal Trpák
The sculptures are inspired by the world of bacteria, which are normally invisible. Magnified to human scale, however, they make the observer reflect on their own size, or just enjoy their form and friendly nature. As part of the Sculptures in the Streets project, the sculptures are currently placed in the open space of Trutnov.

Michal Gabriel
The statue was created to be permanently placed in front of the reconstructed chapel of St. Joseph in the village of Slavětín. It was made in the KASPER KOVO company in Trutnov. It weighs 2.5 tonnes and its height is 8 metres.

Hydropower plant
Lubomír Typlt
The four-metre high stainless steel sculpture weighing one tonne was made in KASPER KOVO. It is currently placed on the square in Vrchlabí.

Michal Gabriel
The sculpture made of steel plates, which measures 3 and a half meters and weighs two tons, was created in KASPER KOVO in 2021. It is currently located in the Grund Resort hotel area in Mladé Buky.

Michal Gabriel
The nearly half-ton sculpture Mimicry by Michal Gabriel was produced by KASPER KOVO in 2019 and is currently on loan to the Telegraph Gallery of Contemporary Art. Thanks to the specific lighting installed on the gallery building leaning on the mirrored surface of the beast, the work stands out in new colours. Michal Gabriel also designed the landscaping around the installation site.

Matěj Frank
Large sculpture from the Monologues series. These are objects that amplify sounds in our near and distant surroundings. They allow us to focus on the sound environment, which we usually don’t pay as much attention to as the visual environment. They function similarly to magnified hearing aids or devices used by armies in the pre-radar era to locate enemy aircraft.

Human, red, blood
Miriam Kaminská
The main theme of the work from the series Human, red, blood is the life-giving blood and the structure of the bloodstream, which is associated with the ubiquitous communication networks of today. It draws attention to the existence of the visible, but also the hidden, to the space of the “unknown” that constantly surrounds us and opens up a sphere of imagination that can give us access to unexplored levels of our being.
We give space to young artists
Fresh Power
One of the main ideas and goals of EPO1 is to support young artists and make their work available to the public in the gallery space.
With this in mind, the Fresh Power project was created – an initiative as part of which we purchase sculptures by artists of the youngest generation and build their collection. This project will be part of the permanent exhibition in the EPO1 gallery.

Pavlína Rozsypálková
A 4-kg work of art by Pavlína Rozsypálková made of concrete and fibreglass.

Composition No. 4
Tomáš Arnošt
A composition that builds on the artist’s previous work, combining two main themes – interpersonal relationships and impressions of life in an industrial city.

Tomáš Arnošt
The sculpture reflects the artist’s impression of her stay in Ostrava, where life and industry mingle and interact together.

First contact II.
Šimon Szabo
To create a work depicting the first contact between a man and a woman, the artist
was inspired by themes such as love, sex and libido – especially in the context of contemporary times. The imaginary object depicting a female human figure consists of hinges assembled into simple geometric structures, complemented by biomorphic shapes placed in its body.

Šimon Szabo
The sculpture relates to the theme of love and sexuality. It depicts a bioorganism in which the artist created contrasts of colour, material and texture to express movement. This symbolizes affection for the opposite sex. The animal instincts and sexual needs are expressed by the claws. In order to avoid primordiality, the artist chose a stylization different from the shape of a human hand, as well as a colour scheme that may evoke a marine animal.

Eight trigrams
Matěj Hrbek
A work based on the format of the divination table from the Book of Changes (I Ching). The eight fields are symbols representing the basic principles of reality in Taoist cosmology, as well as the eight basic elements of nature.

Cornerstone Community
Dana Bartoníčková
Sculpture from the Attention people series, in which the artist focuses on communities and social groups. The motif of the cone is used as an attention-drawing element. It was inspired by the author’s stay in New York and her observation of the multiple, diversified communities creating a micro-world in the middle of a large metropolis.

Martin Žák
A work relating to the legacy of ancient Egypt and the power of divinity, the daily birth of life and the triumph over death.

Machine to check the Reality of Reality
Alessandra Svátek
The inspiration for this work was the exploration of reality itself, the ability to perceive its true form, to distinguish truth from lies, fakes or superstition. For example, by using a machine that could give us objective insight and unambiguous answers.

Post-landscape V.
Pavlína Kvita
A wall relief created in 2017. What served as the inspiration for this work was the theme of suburbanization, which is typical of the artist’s early work.

Pavlína Rozsypálková
Memories frozen in time, fading with the passing of everyday life, distorted by time and the imperfection of human memory. They lose their contours with the passage of time. The clear outlines of images we don’t want to forget begin to blur and become indistinct scenes in our memory.

Big heart
Andros Foros
The author deals with the theme of the inner child. He works with the idea that this is one of the many layers of our personality that had its own time and space to exist before it was subsequently covered by a new layer. In his works, he visualizes the inner child and gives it certain connotations and attributes, such as weapons, armour or jewellery. He puts this child in different roles, poses and situations.

Magdaléna Roztočilová
About half a meter high ceramic sculpture was created in 2023. The author of the work Magdaléna Roztočilová creates mostly figurative works, sculptures of strange, sometimes bizarre or fantasy creatures with attributes of human creatures and unreal amorphous shapes.

Madona Asumptata
Dominik Adamec
The almost three-metre high sculpture is inspired by medieval poetry, the history of sexuality and modern philosophy of the body.

Pavlína Kvita
The Pedestrian is an organically shaped sculpture that combines elements of amorphousness with a solid inner static. It can be seen as a model of futuristic architecture as well as a torso of a humanoid form.

Bedřich Mrkva
The nearly two-metre high wooden work by Bedřich Mrkva was created in 2023.

Stem II
Barbora Vovsová
The work represents a specific vegetative structure – an organism – a temple, which is composed of ornamental linear modules in which sculpture and drawing are naturally intertwined.

Night swimming
Jan Kostohryz
The work, made of plaster, was created in 2022.

Erika Velická
The artist’s work is characterized by classical work with (figurative) sculptural imagery and references to various historical stages of European sculpture. It is also a set of several motifs that appear repeatedly in her work, as if they were insistently emerging from the artist’s subconscious from time to time. The most typical are the motifs of a dog and a hiding place.
Sára Skoczková
The sculpture of the creature is based on an amphora, it is made of a concrete shell and inside it hides a massive empty space for storage. Solid, stable, neutral. It makes its present being known. At first sight you can see the mass of the body, the physical form. It is not obvious what contents are hidden inside. We store memories, a deeper psychic layer, the mind. Fascination with how the psychic layer affects the physical. Separation of body and mind, yet their interdependence and the formation of one whole.

Barbora Vovsová
The sculpture was created as part of the thematic series Growing Up, which began several years ago, when the artist was interested in the intricate and mysterious processes of the formation and transformation of mass in the surrounding world. It is an effort to follow as closely as possible the paths that lead to the formation of new organic and inorganic entities in the natural environment, and thus to get closer to the primordial sources of vital force. A sculpture can be both a fossil and a living assemblage capable of expanding freely into space.

How to figure it
Michal Janiga
The author of the work, Michal Janiga, thinks in his work about the material, its context, in relation to the environment, landscape and history. For him, material is a repository of layered information, signs of life and ideas. He finds his form and adapts the material to it.

Adam Hejduk
The more than 2.5 m high work by Adam Hejduk was created in 2021.

Jakub Roztočil
This work made of sand and resin was created in 2021.

Mundus Imaginalis II
Radka Bodzewicz
A work from a series of white 3D print models prepared for the Mundus Imaginalis series. It is inspired by Henry Corbin’s book of the same name, which explores the world of archetypes and the world of sensory perception. The main motifs here are eyes and tears. The tear/drop is a recurring shape that in the myths signifies the release of creative forces and the union of what has been divided.

Patrik Adamec
The work was made in 2023 using a combined technique. The impression of a soft and cosy environment was created by filling the painting with foam. The artist was the winner of the Critics’ Prize for Young Painting in 2023.

Nikola Emma Ryšavá
Based on the metaphorical saying “living in a bubble”, the almost two-metre high sculpture made in 2020 speaks about the characteristic moments of the creative process.

Blessing I.
Sebastian Wojnar
The first sketch of a hand called Blessing. The author was trying to capture the gesture that he would apply to the larger-than-life figure of the walking Christ. The plaster original was created in 2014 as a springboard for work on the figure.

I offer you my way
Sebastian Wojnar
Sketch of the right hand. The artist tried to capture the gesture that he would apply to the larger-than-life figure of the walking Christ. The plaster original was created in 2017. The artist sees the offering or handshake as an important moment in our lives.

Fatal touch
Sebastian Wojnar
The sculpture was inspired by a meeting between the artist and a boy with cerebral palsy. The construction of his deformed hand is so specific that it has become a synonym for suffering and hopelessness, but at the same time a lifelong struggle, mental strength and humility.

Mary Magdalene - Mask
Sebastian Wojnar

Man, Blood, Red
Miriam Kaminská
The main theme of the work from the Man, Blood, Red series is the life-giving blood and the structure of the bloodstream, which is associated with the ubiquitous communication networks of today. It draws attention to the existence of the visible, but also the hidden, to the space of the “unknown” that constantly surrounds us and opens up a sphere of imagination that can give us access to unexplored levels of our being.
Power of history
Art Point
There is a reconstructed chapel of St. Joseph in the village of Slavětín, about 15 minutes from the EPO1 gallery. The dilapidated building was bought by the Kasper family, redesigned beyond recognition and now linked to the EPO1 gallery with regard to its interior and exterior design and furnishings.
The interior of the chapel is dominated by a modern altar decorated with floating wire sculptures by Veronika Psotková. The composition of statues depicts St. Joseph holding baby Jesus, surrounded by figures of angels. Another work of art, a steel sculpture with the motif of a Lily, which is an attribute of St. Joseph and whose author is sculptor Michal Gabriel, is on display next to the chapel in the also revitalised and well-maintained courtyard.